How are you feeling during this Cancerian New Moon?
This new moon in the sign of Cancer is the perfect time to set new intentions because it asks us to self-reflect and assess what we really need in our lives, work, relationships, and projects.
As many of you know, I've been in the sanctuary of the awakening heart and had every intention to be starting our next series today! Now I realize it is time to pause instead of initiating something new.
The sanctuary has heightened my awareness of tender our hearts are. They require us to spend time, slow down, listen to receive, and be open to love fully.
In full disclosure, my heart hurts right now!
It hurts for the people in Ukraine, it hurts for the women in the US, it aches for girls in the Taliban, and it stretches for humanity and our planet.
I know each of us is going through something collectively or personally.
Are you feeling it too?
When I spend time with my heart, she tells me to pause... take a sacred pause to re-group and assess... what I'm offering right now to the world? What do people need right now?
Here is my short 4 min video about the sacred pause.
Setting a New Moon intention is a beautiful and timeless practice. Throughout the ages, we have been fascinated with the cyclical nature of the moon. I created a beautiful Qigong New Moon Intention Setting Ritual for us to experience together. When we practice these rituals, we are co-creating with the universe as an active participant who is willing to be in the mystery and pause.
I'd love to hear from you. Please comment below and let me know.
What is your new moon intention?
How are you feeling? And what do you need?
What are you honoring in your sacred pause?
What's growing in your life?
What are you pollinating?
What part of you is resilient?
What part of you has died?
Hugs and deep bows of love and gratitude to you and your practice,