Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman
Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman
Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman

Path with Harmony
Qigong for Awakening
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JUNE 16TH 7:00 CST
Beautiful Sister,
Can you feel it? Something is stirring within your heart?
I'm curious what it is.
Do you struggle with truly, and completely loving and accepting yourself?
Are you ready to set down your weapons and your armor so you can open yourself to receive your own beauty and unconditional self-love?
Is it easier to share your heart and time with others to meet everyone else's needs, but when it comes to loving and caring for yourself, you are not so generous and compassionate?
Are your acts of self-love saved only for special occasions?

As women, we hold deep cultural messaging that at the core of our beings, we are not worthy or deserving of love unless we somehow earn it by caring for others, having babies, being pretty, sexy, and not being overly needy or emotional.
We hold outdated messaging that it is somehow selfish, wrong, or over-indulgent to first tend to our own needs and shower ourselves with love.
Another harmful message is that the world is hurting so much. Others have so many more needs than I do, so what I need is not as important.
Let's face it the pain of the world is real, and the suffering of sentient beings is real. We live in a time of war, and we wonder if it's safe to send our children to school or go to a social gathering.
And from an early age, you have learned to internalize guilt-laden and shame-creating beliefs that prevent you from truly and wholeheartedly loving yourself.
Sister, the truth is,
You ARE worthy of love,
You ARE a portal of love,
As you ARE!
Not when there is world peace, racism goes away, you lose ten pounds, earn a million dollars, have a clean house, find the perfect partner, and have the children you desire.
You are worthy of love NOW!
Right now, as you are with the world as it is, with your body as it is, your current bank account, relationship, and living situation as they are!

Courageous and vulnerable self-love awaits you.
Are you ready to receive it?
You are invited to join us for an evening of ceremony in The Sanctuary of the Awakening Heart.
An awakened heart is a whole heart, an innocent heart, a vulnerable heart.
Vulnerability is often misunderstood to be a sign of weakness.
What if vulnerability is really a superconductor that amplifies and connects your soul and voice?
What if vulnerability can open you to all possibilities?
If all possibilities are real, then yes, it is possible that vulnerability can open you to ways that hurt or make you seem weak.
And that means vulnerability can also open you to love, joy, truth, trust, compassion, kindness, bliss, connection, intimacy, union, magic, and growth.
An awakened heart knows vulnerability is necessary and has the courage to be imperfect and to trust.
Together let's open and free ourselves from any residue of old, outdated stories that prevent us from trusting ourselves to be vulnerable.
Because the more you trust yourself, the easier it is to love yourself and others.
We have the power to choose love, and the choice starts with YOU.
What do you choose?
In our circle, we will cultivate love and joy as a practice.
Join us as we co-create the conditions for your heart to feel safe enough to open and reveal what's inside.
There is a reason your heart is safely held in a rib cage, surrounded by sacks of air and covered by skin and breast. Our hearts are delicate and require tenderness and patience before it reveals it's self.
Not everything in our hearts is rainbows and bliss.
There may also be sadness, resentment, grief, anger, depression, apathy, jealousy, hate, and any number of painful emotions that have been stored away.
Often our hearts are broken because of what we think love is. Love is not what we give and get. Love is what we nurture and grow.
As painful as it is, remember a broken heart is also an opened heart.

Come to the sanctuary and experience:
✨ PRAYER to invoke and honor the sacredness of the divine-human
✨ MEDITATION to ground and root ourselves in mother earth's love
✨ QIGONG MOVEMENTS to awaken and harmonize our three hearts
✨ FIRE RITUAL a self-love anointing and fire practice to burn away what is no longer needed
✨ CACAO CEREMONY to deeply open our hearts and receive the healing medicine of Grandmother Cacao. The ancestral wisdom and heart-opening medicine of Cacao will guide and support us as we explore our vast capacity to love even when things are not perfect.
✨ SISTERHOOD share with sisters and connect on a soul level

Vulnerability sounds like courage and truth. It is not wrong or weak. Just as self-love is not bad, nor does it need to be limited.
Together let us clear away all those limiting beliefs, so we can forgive and lighten our hearts. We are here to share our medicine, remember our essence, and stand in our power. When our hearts are shut down and trapped in a repeating pattern of wounding ourselves and others, we can't do that.

Are you ready to open and go even deeper and wider to the vastness of your own self-love?
What is possible for you when you feel yourself loving all of who you are? What can you create from this wisdom and power?
As you can tell, loving yourself as a whole and awakened-hearted woman is not a luxury or selfish act. It is necessary for the good of humanity and all sentient beings on this planet.
Sister, you will be held and guided in this empowering and transformational experience by Maria Chowdhury.
We saved a seat for you in the sanctuary.
Click here to claim it.
We will see you there!
Hugs and deep bows of gratitude to you and your practice,
Once you register, you will receive a welcome email with a list of the supplies you'll need.

Maria Chowdhury
Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman