Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman
Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman
Path with Harmony
Qigong for the Awakening Woman
Path with Harmony
Qigong for Awakening
Winter Qigong
Weekly Classes
Live Online Classes Friday, 10 am- 11 am Central Time.
All classes are recorded. Every participant will receive the recording.
Where the breath goes, the mind goes, where the mind goes, qi follows. Stagnation is the peril of the body; circulation is the seed of vitality. If this sounds like something, you need to cultivate right now, especially when we are in the cold and dark time of the year, join me. We'll be spending the next several weeks nourishing our body and kidneys with the rich element of water. According to the Five Element Theory, in wintertime, we pause, nourish our roots, rest, and restore; so the seeds within can sprout in spring.
Over the next several weeks, we will learn the beautiful Turtle form to nourish our kidneys and water elements. This form connects us to our medicine roots; it teaches us how to go with the flow and move past obstacles on our path. It shows us how to lift the veil and share our gifts with the world.
Join us and follow along in a relaxed environment. This class is suitable for all fitness and skill levels. The movements can be easily done seated or standing. It is intended for those who want to connect with their body, mind, breath, and spirit with soft, gentle movements appropriate for the winter months.
We will use Zoom to practice together. If you are new to Zoom, you will have to download the program. Click here for instructions. Allow at least 5- 10 minutes to set this up before the class starts. You can choose to share or hide your screen during the session. It's nice to see everyone to create a group atmosphere. Stay after class for questions and discussion.
To join the class, click the link below, and the zoom link will be provided upon registration.
The class recording will be sent out later that day.