Human beings are amazing creatures. We are composed of countless systems and energies that govern who we are. Our bodies have multiple organs, all with unique functions, a multitude of complex emotions and feelings, and millions of different thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Being conscious and aware of all these parts of ourselves and of our very existence is a miraculous gift. This ability to be aware of awareness itself enables us to work to improve and enhance our state of being skillfully. Whether for health, happiness, or clarity of mind, we all need support to show up as our true selves in the world.
Let's explore the Three Treasures, how to integrate them within ourselves, and how Qigong is a practical embodiment tool to cultivate inner peace, wisdom, and vitality.
What Are The Three Treasures?
In essence, the unique qualities that make us the individuals that we are; are the Three Treasures. At their core, the Three Treasures reveal the answers to the ageless questions that all humans ask:
Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? What do I want?
These questions are intimately interconnected with one another, and so are the Three Treasures within us.
Talking about and defining the Three Treasures is challenging because they are elusive to language, yet we can all have a direct experience of them and know them even if it is hard to define them. Quintessentially, the Three Treasures are the body, heart/mind, and spirit. The Three Treasures Qigong practice helps us integrate and align all parts of ourselves for our highest expression and true purpose.

Our body, heart/mind, and spirits are always intimately connected, yet sometimes because of the distractions of daily life, we feel disconnected from the many parts of ourselves.
Can you relate to a time when your body did something your mind knew wasn't healthy?
Or have you had thoughts that didn't reflect what was true for your spiritual path?
These self-defeating behaviors are perfect examples of what happens when our Three Treasures are unintegrated and out of balance. Everything in life requires balance to exist in its healthiest, most optimal form. Balance brings peace, harmony, and vitality. Imbalances within us lead to distortion, sickness, and emotional suffering. Similarly, the Three Treasures of body, heart/mind, and spirit have a natural way of relating to one another that brings harmony and alignment, which benefits the whole.

How Do The Three Treasures Lead To Your Highest Truth?
Ancient Taoist texts often compare the spirit to a governor. Just as the governor of a city or state is responsible for leading the people to the highest good, the spirit is what connects humans to their highest truth — the Tao. When the spirit is fully integrated with the heart/mind and body and connected to the universe, the individual feels truth and purpose channeling through their entire being. The spirit also guides awareness and presence in the rest of the body. When the spirit is connected to the Tao and leads the heart/mind and body, a person experiences peace, harmony, and effortless power circulating throughout.
The heart/mind energy is often referred to as the life force energy. Our middle Tan Tien contains powerful creative energy to help us express ourselves and share our unique gifts with the world. We all receive our life force energy from the same abundant and universal source, but each of us puts our own individual stamp on that energy. How we choose to express our gifts and creativity reflects our personality and unique energy.
If someone isn't experiencing fulfillment through their work or is struggling to find a path that gives meaning and purpose, it probably means there is still a disconnect between the energy of their heart/mind and their spirit.
When Tao, spirit, and heart/mind align, you know exactly how to authentically express your personal energy into the world to manifest your true, authentic self.
The body is seen as the temple. It is the most concrete and physical of the Three Treasures, and it is how we can exist as physical beings in our manifest 3-d world. In Qigong, we spend a lot of time talking about Tao and Qi — the guiding wisdom, power, and life force that makes life possible — but it's equally important to realize that our energy requires a physical vessel to live and work within. Our body is also associated with our essence energy, called Jing Qi.
In the next conversation, we will explore the various forms of energy associated with each of the three treasures, but for now, we'll just say that the body's (Jing) essential energy is what transforms into Qi, which in turn transforms into Shen — spirit energy. The principle foundation is that a full integration between all parts of ourselves is what allows purpose, energy, and good health.
As we complete, let's talk briefly about Qigong for the Three Treasures because Qigong focuses on cultivating a strong connection between spirit, heart/mind, body, and the Tao as an integrated whole. Since each treasure is associated with a different part of the body, Qigong movements are an excellent way to bring full alignment between all parts of ourselves and allow our highest purpose to channel through us.
From Flower to Flame Revealing Your Three Treasures 8-Week Journey.
Are you ready to have a direct experience and reveal the Three Treasures within you?
In the upcoming Qigong for Three Treasures journey, Maria will lead you through an ancient system to build an internalized knowledge of how to work with the energies of the Three Treasures to integrate and harmonize all parts of yourself.
When your body is attuned to your spirit, and your spirit guides your heart/mind, you can experience the power of the Universe flowing through your being.
Are you ready to embark on a powerful internal and external journey to become more connected to yourself and the universe?